How to Preserve Carved Pumpkins With a Pumpkin Bleach Bath

Keep your carved pumpkin from rotting this Halloween. Discover how to preserve a carved pumpkin with Clorox ® Disinfecting Concentrated Bleach solution to keep your carved pumpkins fresh.
With Halloween just around the corner and pumpkins piled up in bins in every grocery store, are you looking forward to carving a jack o’ lantern? It’s a favorite holiday activity that’s just as much fun as an adult as it was as a kid.
Lots of people know Clorox® Disinfecting Concentrated Bleach can be used to help cut flowers stay beautiful longer, but may not know that the same bleach solution (with different dilution) can also help keep a jack o’ lantern from getting fuzzy mold and black mildew inside. It’s super easy! If you’d like to try this, here’s how!
Materials Needed:
Clorox® Disinfecting Concentrated Bleach
1 clean bucket
1 measuring cup or measuring spoons
Spray bottle
A freshly carved pumpkin
How to Preserve Carved Pumpkins With a Pumpkin Bleach Bath
MeasureMeasure 5ml (1 teaspoon) of Clorox® Disinfecting Concentrated Bleach
DiluteAdd bleach to 3.8L of water.
Fill a spray bottleFill a spray bottle with the diluted bleach solution.
CarveCarve your pumpkin as desired.
SprayGenerously spray inside of your carved pumpkin with the diluted bleach solution
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